Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Group researches:
- Spin systems fail
- Irregular systems
- Graphene and similar materials
- Quantum transport
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Group researches:
In the Department of Gravity and Cosmology, Faculty of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, we are studying various aspects of the universe with the help of general relativity. Standard cosmology deals with the behavior of the universe on a large scale and examines its evolution and the origin of structures. For structures to form, the density of the original universe must be heterogeneous. Inflation theory can explain the origin of fluctuations in the density of the early universe. We study different parts of inflation theories.
The main research subject in the astrophysics and astronomy group of IUT is the gravitational microlensing and its applications.
The experimental condensed matter group of the Faculty of Physics consists of four faculty members. The main activity of this group is focused on making and studying the physics of various materials including magnetic materials, superconductors, nanostructures and thin films.
Please refer to the site of Experimental Condensed Matter Group for more information.
In the elementary particle group, we are studying various aspects of elementary particle physics with a focus on the standard elementary particle model.